Award winning journalist Nelson Aspen and actress-turned-filmmaker Alexandra Boyd talk all things related to the ship of dreams with actors from James Cameron's Titanic, Titanic superfans (Titaniacs) and Titanic historians and authors.
This companion piece to Alexandra's documentary Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries is your first class ticket to everything aboard the ship of dreams.
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TITANIC TALK | Titanic Author & Oceanliner Historian Steven Ujifusa
Steven Ujifusa has a passion for oceanliners. The companies who build and ran them and the passengers who sailed on them - many immigrants coming to America to start a new life. I
n his book The Last Ships from Hamburg: Business, Rivalry, and the Race to Save Russia's Jews on the Eve of World War Steven explores the lives of the Jewish immigrants who fled Europe before war broke out.
The Wall Street Journal calls it "Absorbing . . . a David-and-Goliath tale of the industrial age."
In his book, Steven includes the stories of Jewish families on Titanic, having first learnt about the Ship of Dreams from his Jewish grandmother who told him about the bravery of the Straus's who didn't get into a lifeboat when given a chance. Ida would not leave the sinking ship because she couldn't imagine life without her husband, Isador, and they both perished.
Learn some fascinating news facts and more history of the ship Nelson and Alexandra love to talk about on Titanic Talk
Steven's Website
Nelson and Alexandra also take a few minutes to remember Jon Landau - producer of Titanic and Avatar - who passed away last week.
#titanic #titanicbook #jonlandau #jamescameron
SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES is on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Microsoft X-Box, Google Play, YouTube Movies