Award winning journalist Nelson Aspen and actress-turned-filmmaker Alexandra Boyd talk all things related to the ship of dreams with actors from James Cameron's Titanic, Titanic superfans (Titaniacs) and Titanic historians and authors.
This companion piece to Alexandra's documentary Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries is your first class ticket to everything aboard the ship of dreams.
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TITANIC TALK | Titanic Film Expert Evgueni Mlodik
How many times have you seen Titanic?
Many people will say "more than they can count - hundreds even".
But how many films have you watched that are about Titanic?
Evgueni Mlodik is this episode's guest. He must have seen every narrative and documentary with Titanic in the title EVER MADE - and there are so many. Who knew!
We asked him to prune his list because with all the good, the bad and the cheesy - we were never going to get to them all in the time allotted.
In this podcast Nelson and Alexandra only got to hear about the tip of the iceberg. (sorry!)
We often hear that Titanic is one of the most popular and well known brands on the planet and making movies about them - like the soon to be released Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries never fails to get the attention of Titaniacs everywhere.
Our guest Yev takes that attention to the next level with his exhaustive list and knowledge of the films and their makers.
Find his posts about Titanic - the films and the ship - on his Facebook page where you can ask him anything you want - he's sure to know the answer!!
SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES is on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Microsoft X-Box, Google Play, YouTube Movies