Award winning journalist Nelson Aspen and actress-turned-filmmaker Alexandra Boyd talk all things related to the ship of dreams with actors from James Cameron's Titanic, Titanic superfans (Titaniacs) and Titanic historians and authors.
This companion piece to Alexandra's documentary Ship of Dreams: Titanic Movie Diaries is your first class ticket to everything aboard the ship of dreams.
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TITANIC TALK | Titanic Weather with Erick Adame
In this fascinating episode of Titanic Talk Nelson and Alexandra talk Titanic weather with television weatherman Erick Adame - Since the tragedy of Titanic's sinking on April 15th 1912 much discussion has been made about the clear starry sky, the freezing temperatures and the mirage effect that may have prevented the lookouts from seeing the iceberg in time.
Erick enlightens us on the theories and the facts of how the weather effects us all every day and how the weather effected the outcome on that fateful night.
Erick's website
Insta @erickadameontv
Weather with Erick on the App Store
Tim Matlin - Titanic: A Very Deceiving Night
SHIP OF DREAMS: TITANIC MOVIE DIARIES is on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Microsoft X-Box, Google Play, YouTube Movies